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Custom Prizes

What is it?

You may want different claw machines across your server to contain different prizes. This is easily achievable with this script!


Its best if you simply copy the defaultPrizes table in the config.lua file and paste it below with a different variable name.

local myCustomPrizes = {
['ch_prop_arcade_claw_plush_03a'] = { -- Left Center
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(leftSidePrizeX, centerPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 30,
Reward = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,
['ch_prop_arcade_claw_plush_04a'] = { -- Center Back
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(centerSidePrizeX, backPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 40,
Reward = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,

In the above codeblock you can set new prizes for the claw machine. You can even change the model name, the bone to use, the offset, the win rate and the reward.

Back in the config, you need to goto the machine you want to change the prizes for. Once you found it, simply change the "Prizes" table to the one you just created.

["eclipse"] = {
MachineModel = 'ch_prop_arcade_claw_01a',
Distance = 2.5,
Position = vector3(-803.12, 234.41, 75.68),
Heading = 359.28,
ClawMoveSpeed = 0.005,
Prizes = myCustomPrizes, -- RIGHT HERE
Price = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,
Currency = 'cash',
DeletePrizeOnWin = false,
Networked = false

Thats it! You have changed the prizes in a specific claw machine!


You should always backup your config before making changes.