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Default Config

-- WinRate = If the value is 20, each game there is a 20% chance of winning the prize. 100 means always winnable. 0 means never winnable. When the prize is not winnable the claw will fail to pickup the prize

local defaultPrizes = {
['ch_prop_arcade_claw_plush_02a'] = { -- Left Back
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(leftSidePrizeX, backPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 20,
Reward = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,
['ch_prop_arcade_claw_plush_03a'] = { -- Left Center
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(leftSidePrizeX, centerPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 30,
Reward = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,
['ch_prop_arcade_claw_plush_04a'] = { -- Center Back
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(centerSidePrizeX, backPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 40,
Reward = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,
['ch_prop_arcade_claw_plush_05a'] = { -- Center Center
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(centerSidePrizeX, centerPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 70,
Reward = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,
['ch_prop_arcade_claw_plush_06a'] = { -- Center Front
PickupBone = 0,
offset = vector3(centerSidePrizeX, frontPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 100,
Reward = {
Type = 'Event',
Event = 'ssdev_arcade_claw:ExampleWinEvent',
['ch_prop_princess_robo_plush_07a'] = { -- Right Back
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(rightSidePrizeX, backPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 80,
Reward = {
Type = 'Item',
Item = 'sandwich',
Amount = 10,
['ch_prop_shiny_wasabi_plush_08a'] = { -- Right Center
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(rightSidePrizeX, centerPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 15,
Reward = {
Type = 'Item',
Item = 'sandwich',
Amount = 10,
['ch_prop_master_09a'] = { -- Right Front
PickupBone = 2,
offset = vector3(rightSidePrizeX, frontPrizeY, defaultZOffsetFloor),
WinRate = 5,
Reward = {
Type = 'Item',
Item = 'sandwich',
Amount = 10,

Config = {
LoggingLevel = 3, -- 0 = Errors, 1 = Warnings, 2 = Info, 3 = Debug, 4 = Trace
TargettingMode = 'QBTarget', -- Distance | Command | QBTarget | QTarget
Machines = {
["legion"] = { -- Name of the machine
MachineModel = 'ch_prop_arcade_claw_01a', -- This is the only model in GTA. If you stream custom claw machine models, change it here.
Distance = 2.5, -- Distance you have to be from the machine to be able to use it.
Position = vector3(207.6, -919.66, 30.69), -- The position of the machine.
Heading = 229.95, -- The heading of the machine.
ClawMoveSpeed = 0.005, -- The speed of the claw. Increase = faster | Decrease = slower
Prizes = defaultPrizes, -- Prizes this machine contains
Price = {
Type = 'Currency', -- Currency/Item
Currency = 'cash', -- Currency name/Item name
Amount = 1000, -- Amount to take from player
DeletePrizeOnWin = false, -- True = Will delete the entity when won | False = Will teleport the entity back to its starting position
Networked = false -- [Placeholder for future update] True = machine, claw and prizes will be networked. (This is not recommended as when entities move they are jittery) | False = machine, claw and prizes will be local (Players will not see what other players see)
["eclipse"] = {
MachineModel = 'ch_prop_arcade_claw_01a',
Distance = 2.5,
Position = vector3(-803.12, 234.41, 75.68),
Heading = 359.28,
ClawMoveSpeed = 0.005,
Prizes = defaultPrizes,
Price = {
Type = 'Currency',
Currency = 'cash',
Amount = 1000,
Currency = 'cash',
DeletePrizeOnWin = false,
Networked = false

Logger = exports["ssdev_framework"]:GetLogger(GetCurrentResourceName(), Config.LoggingLevel)
Framework = exports["ssdev_framework"]:GetFramework()